New Parking Restrictions Effective October 1, 2024

Maryland House Bill 967 was signed into law during the most recent legislative session. According to the new state law, a person may not park the following vehicles on any street or highway in the Town of Keedysville: tractor, trailer, school bus, passenger bus, and Class E truck with a manufacturer’s rated capacity of over 3/4 ton or gross vehicle weight over 7,000 pounds. The restrictions do not apply if the parking of the vehicle is essential to its immediate use. The new regulations will take effect on October 1, 2024. Read the entire bill below.

Notice of Passage: Short-Term Rentals Zoning Ordinance Amendment

Notice is hereby given by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Keedysville, Maryland, a Municipal Corporation, existing under and by virtue of the Laws of the State of Maryland that pursuant to and in accordance with the powers contained in the Charter of the Town of Keedysville as adopted and subsequently amended and in accordance with and pursuant to the provisions of the powers vested in the Town under the Annotated Code of Maryland, its Charter and the Town of Keedysville Zoning Ordinance, the said Mayor and Council as the legislative body for the Town, at a duly constituted meeting of the Mayor and Council, on October 4, 2023 passed an Ordinance entitled An Ordinance Amending and Revision the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Keedysville, to Amend Zoning and Use Regulations, Section 305, Table of Use Regulations; Article 2, Definitions; Article 6, Off-Street Parking; and Article 5, Special Provisions, Section 510 all relating to Short Term Rentals within the Town of Keedysville.

For purposes of economy, the entire Ordinance is on file in Keedysville Town Hall and is incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereto.

The effective date of said Ordinance shall be October 24, 2023.

                                                       MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF KEEDYSVILLE, MARYLAND

Notice of Passage: Temporary Portable Storage Containers Zoning Ordinance Amendment

Notice is hereby given by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Keedysville, Maryland, a Municipal Corporation, existing under and by virtue of the Laws of the State of Maryland that pursuant to and in accordance with the powers contained in the Charter of the Town of Keedysville as adopted and subsequently amended and in accordance with and pursuant to the provisions of the powers vested in the Town under the Annotated Code of Maryland, its Charter and the Town of Keedysville Zoning Ordinance, the said Mayor and Council as the legislative body for the Town, at a duly constituted meeting of the Mayor and Council, on October 4, 2023 passed an Ordinance entitled An Ordinance Amending and Revising the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Keedysville, To Amend Zoning and Use Regulations, Section 305, Table of Use Regulations and Article 2, Definitions, Temporary Portable Storage Containers.

For purposes of economy, the entire Ordinance is on file in Keedysville Town Hall and is incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereto.

The effective date of said Ordinance shall be October 24, 2023.

                                                        MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF KEEDYSVILLE, MARYLAND

Notice regarding Enactment of Code of Ordinances Chapter 28 – Purchasing and Competitive Bidding

Notice is hereby given by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Keedysville, Maryland, a Municipal Corporation, existing under and by virtue of the Laws of the State of Maryland that pursuant to and in accordance with the powers contained in the Charter of the Town of Keedysville as adopted and subsequently amended and in accordance with and pursuant to the provisions of the powers vested in the Town under the Annotated Code of Maryland, the said Mayor and Council as the legislative body for the Town, at a duly constituted meeting of the Mayor and Council, on December 7, 2022, passed Ordinance to enact Chapter 28, Purchasing and Competitive Bidding, of the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Keedysville.    

For purposes of economy, the entire Ordinance is on file in the Keedysville Town Hall and is incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereto.

The effective date of said Ordinance shall be December 27, 2022.


Notice regarding Amendment to Code of Ordinances Chapter 14 – Regulating Water Rates and Usage

Notice is hereby given by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Keedysville, Maryland, a Municipal Corporation, existing under and by virtue of the Laws of the State of Maryland that pursuant to and in accordance with the powers contained in the Charter of the Town of Keedysville as adopted and subsequently amended and in accordance with and pursuant to the provisions of the powers vested in the Town under the Annotated Code of Maryland, the said Mayor and Council as the legislative body for the Town, at a duly constituted meeting of the Mayor and Council, on December 1, 2021, passed an Ordinance entitled Chapter 14 – An Amendment to An Ordinance Regulating Water Rates and Usage and Establishing Debt Service Charges for the Mayor and Council for the Town of Keedysville, Maryland, pertaining to certain increases and adjustments in water service and connection rates.

For purposes of economy, the entire Ordinance is on file in Keedysville Town Hall and is incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereto.

The effective date of said Ordinance shall be January 1, 2022.


Beginning on Monday, December 6, Washington County will handle building permits and inspections for the Town of Keedysville. Please click here for details.

Please note that zoning approval from the Keedysville Town Hall is required before getting a building permit from Washington County. Contact Town Hall at, 301-432-5795, or at 19 S Main St in Keedysville for more information.

Once you’ve obtained zoning approval from the Town of Keedysville, visit Washington County’s Permits & Inspections website for permitting information.

They can also be contacted the following ways:

Washington County Administrative Annex
80 West Baltimore Street
Hagerstown, MD 21740
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Phone: (240) 313-2460
Fax: (240) 313-2401
TTY users: MD Relay 711

Notice regarding Code of Ordinances Ch. 4A – Memorandum of Understanding for Building Code Enforcement, Permitting, and Inspection Services between the Town and Washington County

Notice is hereby given by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Keedysville, Maryland, a municipal corporation, existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Maryland, that pursuant to the powers granted to it by the Annotated Code of Maryland, and the Charter of the Town of Keedysville, that on October 6, 2021 an Ordinance was introduced and passed as an Emergency Ordinance entitled CHAPTER 4(A) – RESOLUTION AND ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE AND ENTER INTO A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT, PERMITTING AND INSPECTION SERVICES BETWEEN THE TOWN OF KEEDYSVILLE AND THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, MARYLAND. Said Ordinance was introduced and passed on October 6, 2021 as an Emergency Ordinance and as such became effective October 6, 2021.

The entire text of the Ordinance is on file with the Town Administrator, Town Hall, Keedysville, Maryland, and is incorporated herein and made a part hereof by reference.


Notice regarding Code of Ordinances Ch. 4 – Minimum Standards Governing Construction and Maintenance of Buildings/Structures

Notice is hereby given by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Keedysville, Maryland, a municipal corporation, existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Maryland, that pursuant to the powers granted to it by the Annotated Code of Maryland, and the Charter of the Town of Keedysville, that on October 6, 2021 an Ordinance was introduced and passed as an Emergency Ordinance entitled RESOLUTION/ORDINANCE TO REVOKE, AMEND, MODIFY AND RE-ENACT CHAPTER FOUR(4) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE TOWN OF KEEDYSVILLE PERTAINING TO MINIMUM STANDARDS GOVERNING CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS/STRUCTURES. Said Ordinance was introduced and passed on October 6, 2021 as an Emergency Ordinance and as such became effective October 6, 2021.

The entire text of the Ordinance is on file with the Town Administrator, Town Hall, Keedysville, Maryland, and is incorporated herein and made a part hereof by reference.


Pets in Keedysville

Please be a responsible dog owner. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:

When walking your pet:

  • Please keep it leashed at all times.
  • Please clean up after your pet.
  • Please keep your pet from intruding into other resident’s yards.

At home:

  • Please keep your pet on your property.
  • Please keep the barking to a minimum.

Keedysville adopted the Washington County Animal Control Ordinance. This places the county as the enforcement agency for the Town. The ordinance can be found at The Washington County Humane Society can be reached at 301-733-2060. This is a pleasant small town where we must all do our part to respect our fellow residents. Again, please be a responsible pet owner. Thank you for your consideration.

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