Notice regarding Amendment to Code of Ordinances Chapter 14 – Regulating Water Rates and Usage

Notice is hereby given by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Keedysville, Maryland, a Municipal Corporation, existing under and by virtue of the Laws of the State of Maryland that pursuant to and in accordance with the powers contained in the Charter of the Town of Keedysville as adopted and subsequently amended and in accordance with and pursuant to the provisions of the powers vested in the Town under the Annotated Code of Maryland, the said Mayor and Council as the legislative body for the Town, at a duly constituted meeting of the Mayor and Council, on December 1, 2021, passed an Ordinance entitled Chapter 14 – An Amendment to An Ordinance Regulating Water Rates and Usage and Establishing Debt Service Charges for the Mayor and Council for the Town of Keedysville, Maryland, pertaining to certain increases and adjustments in water service and connection rates.

For purposes of economy, the entire Ordinance is on file in Keedysville Town Hall and is incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereto.

The effective date of said Ordinance shall be January 1, 2022.


Beginning on Monday, December 6, Washington County will handle building permits and inspections for the Town of Keedysville. Please click here for details.

Please note that zoning approval from the Keedysville Town Hall is required before getting a building permit from Washington County. Contact Town Hall at, 301-432-5795, or at 19 S Main St in Keedysville for more information.

Once you’ve obtained zoning approval from the Town of Keedysville, visit Washington County’s Permits & Inspections website for permitting information.

They can also be contacted the following ways:

Washington County Administrative Annex
80 West Baltimore Street
Hagerstown, MD 21740
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Phone: (240) 313-2460
Fax: (240) 313-2401
TTY users: MD Relay 711

Know Your Utility Locations

During winter, all residents should consider where some important pieces to the utilities are located on their property. Specifically, everyone should know where their water meter, their sewer grinder pump and their sewer clean out are located and they may want to mark each of them with a stake. Should there be a snow fall that covers these components and one of them malfunctions, having them clearly marked with a stake will enable the utility workers to find and repair the problem more quickly. Please consider taking a few minutes and marking each of these components with a stake. If you have any questions, please contact Keedysville Town Hall at 301-432-5795, Monday-Friday, 8:00am to 2:00pm.

Increased Patrols

In order to improve the quality of life in Keedysville and increase the safety of our streets, the Mayor & Council of Keedysville will be asking the Washington County Sheriff’s Department to increase patrols within the town. Among the infractions they will be focusing on are:

  • Failing to make a complete stop at stop signs;
  • Speeding
  • Parking in No Parking zones
  • Parking too close to fire hydrants
  • Patrols will also be on the lookout for any illegal activity

Please be considerate and observe all traffic laws.

Watershed Implementation Plan for the Chesapeake Bay

The Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE), acting on a directive from the U.S. EPA, has directed the counties of Maryland to work with the local jurisdictions to develop a plan to reduce the introduction of nitrogen, phosphorous and sediment into the local waterways, thereby ultimately reducing these elements in the Chesapeake Bay. You can help! Keedysville will receive credits toward these reductions for efforts by homeowners, i.e. rain barrels, rain gardens, etc. If you currently use these practices on your property, or if you install them at some point in the future, please contact Town Hall. For educational materials from MDE, please go to The MDE plan is located at:


Please report any theft or any suspicious activity to the Washington County Sheriff’s Department (240-313-2100). We have a safe and peaceful community and would like to see it remain that way.

County Emergency Notification System

Citizens of Washington County should register for this new system for advanced alerting specific to emergencies and weather, community, and other optional programs.

A person can register for multiple locations such as home, family, school, and work. Also, individuals outside of Washington County can register for family and work that are located in Washington County. In addition to multiple locations, individuals can sign up for multiple forms of notification and prioritize the ways in which you receive a message.

Registration Steps to Receive Emergency Notifications

  • Log onto; on left-hand side of webpage is a Citizen Notification Button 
  • Follow prompts; it automatically adds the user to the database 
  • If the user does not have internet access, contact Sam Anderson at 240-313-4371 
  • Every family member should register! Users can have multiple locations entered (Home, Work, Family, Etc) 

An Insurance Preparedness Guide for Natural Disasters

The Maryland Insurance Administration is the state agency that regulates the insurance industry in Maryland. They have posted online “An Insurance Preparedness Guide for Natural Disatsters”, which will assist consumers to better understand their insurance polices. This guide contains information about different types of insurance coverage, provides frequently asked questions for a number of insurance claim scenearios and lists important contact information for public resources. The guide can be found on their website

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