Watershed Implementation Plan for the Chesapeake Bay

The Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE), acting on a directive from the U.S. EPA, has directed the counties of Maryland to work with the local jurisdictions to develop a plan to reduce the introduction of nitrogen, phosphorous and sediment into the local waterways, thereby ultimately reducing these elements in the Chesapeake Bay. You can help! Keedysville will receive credits toward these reductions for efforts by homeowners, i.e. rain barrels, rain gardens, etc. If you currently use these practices on your property, or if you install them at some point in the future, please contact Town Hall. For educational materials from MDE, please go to http://www.mde.state.md.us/programs/Marylander/outreach/Pages/MDEEducation.aspx. The MDE plan is located at: www.mde.state.md.us/programs/Water/TMDL/TMDLImplementation/Pages/FINAL_PhaseII_WIPDocument_Main.aspx.


Please report any theft or any suspicious activity to the Washington County Sheriff’s Department (240-313-2100). We have a safe and peaceful community and would like to see it remain that way.

County Emergency Notification System

Citizens of Washington County should register for this new system for advanced alerting specific to emergencies and weather, community, and other optional programs.

A person can register for multiple locations such as home, family, school, and work. Also, individuals outside of Washington County can register for family and work that are located in Washington County. In addition to multiple locations, individuals can sign up for multiple forms of notification and prioritize the ways in which you receive a message.

Registration Steps to Receive Emergency Notifications

  • Log onto www.washco-md.net; on left-hand side of webpage is a Citizen Notification Button 
  • Follow prompts; it automatically adds the user to the database 
  • If the user does not have internet access, contact Sam Anderson at 240-313-4371 
  • Every family member should register! Users can have multiple locations entered (Home, Work, Family, Etc) 

An Insurance Preparedness Guide for Natural Disasters

The Maryland Insurance Administration is the state agency that regulates the insurance industry in Maryland. They have posted online “An Insurance Preparedness Guide for Natural Disatsters”, which will assist consumers to better understand their insurance polices. This guide contains information about different types of insurance coverage, provides frequently asked questions for a number of insurance claim scenearios and lists important contact information for public resources. The guide can be found on their website http://www.mdinsurance.state.md.us/sa/jsp/Mia.jsp.

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